Why choose DiSTRiBU-Q over other asset management software?
DiSTRiBU-Q’s superiority comes from its simplicity in design of feature rich menu options. It is a turnkey product that will make the deployment process easier and more efficient. This is due to the fact that it is a cloud-based software solution that takes away the burden of the distribution, repair tracking, communication to all stakeholders about the devices selected for your 1:1 initiative and helps in dealing with the disciplinary issues related to the device mishandling by students. Added to all of the above is the great pricing we are providing to budget-strapped schools. This will save you, literally, thousands of dollars each year and hundreds of work hours.
How is the cost for your services structured?
The cost varies from district to district and from school to school because of the variations in student population total numbers. Generally speaking, we have a one time setup fee for your specific server in addition to a per student or device record uploaded to DiSTRiBU-Q cost. I am sure you will find our pricing very competitive and school budget friendly.
Is tech support Included?
DiSTRiBU-Q is a turnkey cloud-based software solution. This means tech support is included in our total cost.
Are there additional costs?
Once you have paid the one-time server setup fee and per student or device upload yearly rate, there will be no additional expenses. However, we are assuming that you will not have major changes in the total number of students uploaded. Note: your per student upload yearly rate is reviewed every October and you will be billed according to new total number of students uploaded.
What if we are rolling out our 1:1 technology initiative in phases?
That’s the beauty of a per student uploaded yearly rate. As long as your phases are not happening in the same school year, you total cost will not change. If your roll out phases are happening in the same school year, your cost structure will have to be adjusted accordingly.
What do you need from our district to get DiSTRiBU-Q ready for our 1:1 initiative?
Method 1:
Automated Updates from Student Information System (SIS) vi SFTP
If you would like to have your students’ information updated automatically in Distribu-Q from your Student Information System (SIS) on a daily basis, our team will work with your IT department to access our SFTP server. This time-saving feature will ensure that the information stays current in our system. Please do not hesitate to contact us about this feature.
Method 2:
1. We need your students’ information in any of the following formats:
- A comma delimited file (.csv)
- A tab delimited file (Tab)
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
- Google spreadsheet
- Direct download from Google Admin dashboard
- A download from Student Management System (SMS)
- A download from Students Information System (SIS)
2. The second set of information we need is your devices’ information in any of the following formats:
- A comma delimited file (.csv)
- A tab delimited file (Tab)
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
- Google spreadsheet
- Direct download from Google Admin dashboard
What kind of training would you provide to our staff?
We spent a lot time designing DiSTRiBU-Q and streamlining the work process. In addition, we have created a help page on our website with manuals and how-to videos to help you become familiar with our product. If a webinar is what you need, email us and we will schedule one for your entire staff.
Is our data safe if we decide to have a student helper use DiSTRiBU-Q?
Our software is school and student helper friendly because we have designed it to run using the minimum information possible: full name, grade, ID number, emails and device serial number. In addition, as an admin you have the capability to restrict user access by profile/role and school location.
What if we are starting with one school the first year and another school the second year?
It does not matter if you are starting with one school or multiple schools. Our servers are scalable to your increasing needs. In addition, we do not bill you based on your entire student population because ours is a per student/device uploaded to DiSTRiBU-Q rate per school year.
Does the student data roll over from year to year?
Yes, the data rolls over from year to year. The information does not get deleted.
Is there a tab for prior school years, so we could look back at that year’s information?
In the reports area of the DiSTRiBU-Q, you have the ability to look at the checkout information by any date range you like.
Does DiSTRiBU-Q allow adding new students after we are done with the bulk upload?
Yes, you are able to add new student records in the admin section of DiSTRiBU-Q. If you choose to update student data using automatic updates from your SIS via SFTP, your data will be updated daily.
How about equipment, can we add more records of new equipment as we get newer devices?
Yes, you are able to add new equipment records in the admin section of DiSTRiBU-Q.
Is DiSTRiBU-Q accessible anywhere within the district?
As long as you have Internet access and you will be able to access Distribu-Q and login to conduct your transaction 24/7.
Is there a limit to the amount of data stored on your servers?
There are no limits to the amount of data stored on DiSTRiBU-Q. However, part of the cost-savings we pass on to you are based on savings realized through keeping the information stored up-to-date and free from unnecessary old records.
Are we able to sort student records by grade levels?
Yes, you are able to sort student records in the reports tab of DiSTRiBU-Q.
Is DiSTRiBU-Q used only with Chromebooks?
No, you can use DiSTRiBU-Q with any device you choose for your 1:1 technology initiative.
How does DiSTRiBU-Q keep track of devices?
DiSTRiBU-Q does not keep track of where the device is located. Rather, it is a software that keeps track of who has what devices and the repairs performed on each device.
Is it able to email all people involved?
Yes, once you create a repair ticket, DiSTRiBU-Q will sent emails to the student, student’s parents, accounting department, and create a heat or help-desk ticket. In addition, in DiSTRiBU-Q’s admin tab you have an option to add other recipients, such as administrators, tech coordinators, etc.
Does it keep track of repairs?
Yes, each repair done is attached as a record to the serial number of the device.
Does it keep track of student discipline issues?
Yes, when set up in the ADMIN section of Distribu-Q, you will be able to keep a record of the disciplinary issues related to the improper handling of the device.
How long does it take to get DiSTRiBU-Q up and running for our district?
The answer depends on how fast you can get the data we need in the format needed to upload to Distribu-Q. Once the data is ready and in the right format, it is ready on the same day. If the data has to be parsed because it is in the incorrect format, you will have to allow our team about 5 days to get everything setup for you and for your specific data to populate the databases.
How does it keep our student information safe?
We have worked hard to apply the industry standard to protect your data along with ours. That’s why DiSTRiBU-Q requires a Proxy login, and and the website is SSL certified.
What do you do with our student information?
We do do anything with the students information. Students’ privacy is very important to us. That’s why we have applied every industry standard to protect students’ data from unwarranted access as well.
What type of data can extract from DiSTRiBU-Q?
In the reports area, you are able to extract data by all transactions performed, by open repair tickets, by closed tickets, etc. In addition, you able to sort by date ranges and grade levels. Please note: we keep adding new reporting features as clients request them from our development team.
Is our information backed up?
We know how important it is to be able to get everything running quickly after unforsen technical issues. Therefore, we are applying industry standards through daily backups.
Can we update student data in Distribu-Q directly from our SIS?
If you would like to have your students’ information updated automatically in Distribu-Q from your Student Information System (SIS) on a daily basis, our team will work with your IT department to access our SFTP server. This time-saving feature will ensure that the information stays current in our system. Please do not hesitate to contact us about this feature.
Can Distribu-Q create an repair invoice?
Yes, Distribu-Q provides an optional and simple automated invoicing system. The invoice is attached automatically to the repair email as a PDF.
What if we already have a helpdesk ticketing system, does this mean we have to get rid of it?
Distribu-Q integrates your helpdesk ticket system via email. You do not have to get rid of your helpdesk ticketing system.
Can we check the device history and who check it out?
Yes, you are able to see the device checkout history under Device Lookup.
Can Distribu-Q be setup to send automatic reports to anyone who requests it?
Yes, you can setup Distribu-Q to send a daily/weekly digest email of incidents or repairs to whomever requests one.
What type of scanner can we use with Distirbu-Q?
You can use any barcode scanner. However, we are finding that most of our clients prefer using a USB linear or laser barcode scanner because it shoots a thin beam, making it easier to aim at clustered barcodes on the back of devices.
FAQ didn’t answer your question or solve your problem?
Here are several ways to contact us.
Have a how-to question?
Take a look at our resources page for step-by-step Distribu-Q User’s Guide V3. If you prefer to watch a video, we have a series of how-to videos as well.
Pre-Sales Question?
Needing more help or have more specific questions? Please feel free to contact us via our form, via email at info@distribu-q.com or support@distribu-q.com.